I was waiting on you to post on this thread, Charlie!! LOL.
La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
JoinedPosts by La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
Medical Marijuana, Your opinion please?
by Greybeard indo any of you use medical marijuana?
i go to aa and there are a few who believe medical marijuana is an "outside issue" and they are ok with it.
i don't know... alcohol doesn't work for me but if it did, i would use it... i wish i could find a "new drug" that works lol.
Medical Marijuana, Your opinion please?
by Greybeard indo any of you use medical marijuana?
i go to aa and there are a few who believe medical marijuana is an "outside issue" and they are ok with it.
i don't know... alcohol doesn't work for me but if it did, i would use it... i wish i could find a "new drug" that works lol.
La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
Hor, THC can be administered in pill form or as a strip under the tongue. I use a vape as it's the most cost effective, unless I travel
I'm familiar with the pill form, Marinol, but from what I understand it doesnt do much for pain management. Most of th case mgmt studies I've worked on, Hemo/Oncol docs were prescribing for appetite stimulation or nasea related to chemo/radiation. I wasn't familiar with the strip though, that's interesting. Vape is the most cost effective? :P LOL
Medical Marijuana, Your opinion please?
by Greybeard indo any of you use medical marijuana?
i go to aa and there are a few who believe medical marijuana is an "outside issue" and they are ok with it.
i don't know... alcohol doesn't work for me but if it did, i would use it... i wish i could find a "new drug" that works lol.
La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
Me personally it doesn't bother me for medicinal use or recreational. I mean for the former, people already use narcotics to regulate their pain management. The only difference is how the drug is administered with THC getting inhaled as opposed to a patch or lollypop when using Fentanyl, or a pill with Opana. I really don't see the big deal for medicinal use. With recreational it doesn't bother me especially since I like to get my sip on occasionally. I think anyone who abuses alcohol really doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes to criticisizing recreational marijuana use. Although considering all the social and medical problems that are a direct result of tobacco and alcohol abuse, I'm not entirely sure adding stoners into the mix would be a good thing.
Thanks and farewell...
by Alfred inhello all..... a few months ago my wife expressed serious concerns about the time i had spent over the past couple of years reading old watchtower literature (printed circa 1880 through the late 30s) and the time spent on this site and several others.
she is very grateful that i was very persistent in trying to convince her that this is just a mind-control cult run by clueless men who simply make things up as they go along.
it wasnt easy, but im thankful that i was able to wake her up thanks to many of you.
La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
Hope the best for you, and thanks for the book recomendation.
Why Do Introvert Elders Even Bother, What's Their Game?
by Bubblegum Apotheosis insomething that has troubled me for some time, why do introvert personalities reach out for the office of overseer?.
this personality does not help with shepherding the flock (other brothers pick up their slack, their too shy for judicial committes), they are not upbuidling for the brothers and sisters (their long lost stuttering problem resurfaces when asked to call m.i.a.
congregation memebers) and they are useless for widows and orphans (i can't help little father-less davie, my online role playing games are all time consuming!
La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
I was floored, utterly shocked, when they told me I had been appointed elder, many moons ago. I most certainly was NOT "reaching out" for it.
But being the good little JW, I had been raised to "never say no to a new privilege". So against my better judgment I accepted it.
You just summed up the life biography of the average born-in Ministerial Servant or Elder. I wouldn't say I ever reached out for anything, but I did do pretty much everything that was expected of me. I'll never forget when I was younger and still living at home, the Service Overseer at the time asked me if I'd be interested in doing a demo at the Special Day Assembly. I declined because at the time I was starting to get sick of the pressure from getting on stages and what not. One way or another my father caught wind of me declining that "privilege", and he was livid and completely flipped out on me. Made me feel like complete and utter worthless shit. Couple years back he apologized to me after we had one of those grown son and father conversations which meant a lot to me, but the damage still resides.
Reflecting back, I look at the life of a born-in to be similar to a dog who gets rewarded for good behavior with treats. Only difference is the treats that we recieved was what should have been affection that should have been given regardless if we "reached out" or not. One gets baptized out of pressure, handles privileges out of pressure, accepts new privileges out of pressure. Time flies and before you know it they're "putting their hands" on you and by that time you're so accustomed to saying yes that it's already a given what's next. Brothers don't reach out as much as they're doing what they've been raised to do, perform. Sit Ubu sit, good dog.
Blantant coitridiction in todays wt
by elderelite inthis isnt news worthy of course, but i thought i would point it out anyway... apologies to blondie, i dont see the normal wt thread yet.... .
para 2 states that "the other sheep should never forget their salvation depends on their active support of christs anointed "brothers" [gb] still on earth".
para 13 says "he [peter] pointed out that their hope is not founded on their works, but on [the deserts gods] undeserved kindness".
La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
SD, well put man.
Anti-Watchtower Billboard In Russia
by Bangalore inanti-watchtower billboard in russia.. .
[edited image for you -- lee].
La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
Ahhhhh the irony, mentally diseased apostates defending the freedom of a cult that wishes nothing more than to see their detractors destroyed at Armageddon.................
Hear ye!hear ye!!!!Take notice
by mouthy intomorrow the 22nd i will be 85 years old .
good wishes only please,remember if you say something nasty i will cry.
and my mum told me it is a sin to cry on your birthday .
La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
When God said, "let there be light" you flipped...............
I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Happy birthday, Mouthy.
by Sunflower Samurai injust a quick overview of some new light that is coming our way, forgive my posting via my cellphone.
audience is given ten questions and we have receved anwsers to r questions.. .
"we are stealing from jehovah, if we are worrying about problems in our life, congregation, or employment.
La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
This actually gave me a reason to look forward to the convention now LOL. I'm sitting here at my desk cracking up over this shoplifting illustration. I HAVE TO HEAR THIS FOR MYSELF!!!!! Classic!!!!!!!!!! Gotta take a page from Sweetbabycheezits...............
friggin shoplifters.
Blantant coitridiction in todays wt
by elderelite inthis isnt news worthy of course, but i thought i would point it out anyway... apologies to blondie, i dont see the normal wt thread yet.... .
para 2 states that "the other sheep should never forget their salvation depends on their active support of christs anointed "brothers" [gb] still on earth".
para 13 says "he [peter] pointed out that their hope is not founded on their works, but on [the deserts gods] undeserved kindness".
La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
I posted on this before EE, but it is a heluva contradiction!! I wonder how many people caught it today, or even considered it a contradiction for that matter?
I studied my WT yesterday, and even during the public talk my thoughts were on this contradiction like, "how can they not see it?" I mean, when you have a hope which is in harmony with faith, then you expect it to come true and that's more in line with undeserved kindness or Grace. When works are involved, calling it a hope with the need for faith is more of a stipulation than it is undeserved kindness. There's a tremendous difference there, and I don't know if there were multiple writers involved with this lesson before it got the thumbs up for printing, or maybe we've got some allies in the Writing Department who are actively undermining the powers that be in Walkhill/Warwick?